white-tiles-spell-out-self-love-club - Ready Sweat Go white-tiles-spell-out-self-love-club - Ready Sweat Go


For those that don't like the concept...

Self-Compassion. Really?

Let’s be honest: Self-compassion doesn’t come easily to many people, but here in Glasgow, it’s like a foreign language!

We’re a self-deprecating bunch, more inclined to mock our quirks and shortcomings than celebrate our achievements. The idea of consciously being nice to ourselves? Well, that’s enough to make many of us roll our eyes and give a knowing look to a friend.

And yet, as our active community at Ready Sweat Go knows, self-compassion is crucial, especially for those who are always on the go. We often push ourselves to the limit, whether in training, work or life in general. When we inevitably fall short of our high standards, we’re quick to beat ourselves up rather than offer a little understanding or realise that it happens to us all.

Being cynical and quick to play yourself down is second nature to many of us.

Still, I’m learning that this needn’t be a barrier to practising self-compassion.

Trust me, if someone like me can do it, anyone can. It might not come naturally, but it’s a skill worth cultivating.

Hopefully, I will show you how without making you sneer too much along the way.

What is self-compassion?

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Why is self-compassion so hard?

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Ways to be Self-Compassionate.

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Encourage yourself the way you’d encourage others.

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Do something positive.

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Self-kindness isn’t silly.

silly-faces-and-hot-cocoa - Ready Sweat Go