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Resilience in the workplace

Tools & Tips that can help you everywhere, not just the boardroom.

Resilience In The Workplace

As some of you may know reading this, I've been investigating Resilience lately. And I've noticed that it isn't just crucial for major life events, which is what I thought it was for. It's probably more helpful for tackling everyday stresses and challenges we face at work.

I'm sure we've all experienced those tough stretches on the job when it feels like an endurance contest—whether it's sprinting to meet impossible deadlines, navigating thorny workplace politics, or pushing through periods of restructuring and uncertainty. Even striving to consistently hit high-performance targets can create an overwhelming pressure cooker environment.

That's when Resilience becomes essential. When you cultivate the ability to persist through adversity, manage your mindset, and bounce back from setbacks, you give yourself a crucial edge in the workplace. This week, I want to dive into why Resilience matters so much for your career and share some proven strategies for developing a more resilient outlook.

From my own experiences, I've learned that Resilience isn't just about muscling through hard times. It's about optimising your mental, emotional and physical state through self-awareness and purposeful practices. The same tools that help me endure long training sessions can be applied to thriving amidst the daily grind.

So, building resilience skills should be a top priority, whether you're deep in the corporate trenches, striking out as an entrepreneur, or simply striving to take your career to new heights. Now that we've established the importance of Resilience for managing workplace challenges let's look at some of the significant sources of stress that require resilient mindsets.

What causes stress in the workplace?

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Quick tips for building a resilient outlook in the workplace

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Is it worthwhile for employers to help staff build Resilience?

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