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Grand Challenge 2024 Charity - Launch Foods

For our 2024 Grand Challenge charity, Ready Sweat Go is committed to raising £2,000 for the incredible Launch Foods. With your help, we can reach this goal and make a significant impact. We chose Launch Foods after I saw a heartfelt appeal by its founder, Craig Johnstone.

His genuine passion and the charity's impactful work made our decision easy. Launch Foods is dedicated to providing meals for hungry children across Glasgow. Craig Johnstone has ingeniously set up the Silver Bullet initiative to make it appealing for kids to approach and receive a hot meal and fruit throughout the year, even during school holidays.

To support this fantastic cause, my friends Stef, Clint, and I are tackling the RatRace Coast to Coast Challenge. This daunting event includes a 7-mile cross-country run, a 50-mile road cycle, a 28-mile off-road cycle, a 14-mile run, and a 1-mile kayak within a single day.

It's a monumental effort, but we believe that no child should go hungry today. For three ordinary dads, the training is a massive commitment on its own. And if you're on this page reading this, you might also know that I'm building a new business. Yet, the cause is worth every bit of effort.

Please help us support this fantastic charity and ensure every child in Glasgow can access nutritious meals.

Thank you!

Tony, Stef & Clint

You can find out more about Launch Foods great work here: https://www.launchfoods.org/what-we-do/

You can donate here: https://www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/LaunchFoodsXReadySweatGo

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