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The Interview

David Carta

Glasgow based Tattoo Artist David Carta talks sunshine and tattoo's with our man in the field, Andrew

David Carta Interview

No matter the topic, it’s always best to speak with an expert with hands-on experience. When it comes to tattoos, there’s no finer professional to speak with than David Carta, a tattoo artist with decades worth of experience in Australia, Europe and here in Scotland!

(Yes, the Australian aspect is helpful when it comes to the topic of sun protection for tattooed skin!)

Hi David, how long have you been a tattoo artist?

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Should you put sunscreen on a new tattoo?

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Does the sun affect tattoos?

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What time-scale do you recommend before people go out into the sun with a new tattoo?

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As a tattoo artist, and someone with tattoos, how do you protect yourself in the sun?

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